Resultatrapport för Sverige efter World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) och världens andra globala studie av mångfald, rättvisa och inkludering i marknads- och kommunikationsbranschen.

Diversity Headlines

There is relatively good representation across all minority groups (gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation) compared to market census data with the exception of disability (12% of respondents are disabled vs 20% national average). Looking at seniority and indicative pay gaps, the proportion of women and national minorities decreases at senior levels, and there appears to be a pay gap at all levels below C-suite within both characteristics.

Inclusion Headlines

Sweden scores better than the global Inclusion Index benchmark (66% vs 63%), however the 2023 score is 3 ppts below the 2021 census result (69%). Respondents are less likely to agree that their company is actively taking steps to be more diverse and inclusive (60% vs 72% global average), and only 30% agree things have improved in terms of the industry becoming more diverse and inclusive in the last 2 years (vs 50% global average).

Cost of turnover data shows that there is a potential risk of churn with 11% of respondents either indicating they are likely to leave the industry based on a lack of inclusion and diversity or preferring not to answer this question. This rises to 25% for disabled respondents.

Sense of belonging is lower across all minority groups when compared with majority respondents. Of all minority groups, national minority respondents were the most to report being discriminated against and having experienced career obstacles.

36% of respondents believe that age can be a hindrance at their company, this increases amongst younger age groups, eg 63% for 18-24 year olds. We see a similar picture with family status, with 39% of those who have caregiving responsibilities indicating they believe that family status hinders one’s career at their company.

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