Digital certification in English via Teams with Mats Rönne. He will go through The Effectiveness System 2.0 and after the session you have can take the digital test and get certified and get a diploma.

The Effectiveness System 2.0:

 In order for us to really increase the impact of our marketing communications, it is important that all parties speak the same language and understand the basics of what creates impact and how to measure it – company management, marketers, agencies, media. It is only when we gather around a common goal and with the same definition that we can work in the same direction. Demonstrating that marketing communication creates business value and effect!

Member of Sveriges Annonsörer: included in membership
Member of WFA: EUR 260 excl. VAT/person
Member of KOMM, Sveriges Mediebyråer or SWEDMA: SEK 3,000 excl. VAT/person
For non-member companies: SEK 6,000 excl. VAT/person
Private person: SEK 7,500 incl. VAT/person

About the certification:

This certification including test will take place digitally via Teams between 09:00 and 12:30. After the certification, you get access to the digital test. When you have passed the test, you are certified and receive your certificate.

Mats Rönne is one of Sweden’s most experienced marketers and one of the founders of the Effectiveness System. Among other things, Mats has been global brand manager for Ericsson and Electrolux. This session will be in English.

As there is a lot of information to take in during the training, we recommend that you have have a look at the collections of metrics here.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Sign up

Member of WFA / WFA National Advertiser Associations, EUR 260 excl VAT/person – contact your local Advertiser organisation for sign up

Member of Sveriges Annonsörer, included in membership – sign up here

Member of KOMM, Swedma or Sveriges Mediebyråer, SEK 3,000/EUR 260 excl. VAT/person – sign up here

Not a member of any of the organizations above, SEK 6000/EUR 540 excl. VAT/person – sign up here

Private person, SEK 7,500/EUR 670 incl. VAT/person – sign up here

General information and conditions

Registration is binding, but your place can always be transferred to a colleague. An invoice is sent in connection with the registration (30-day payment terms). If you cancel less than 10 days before certification, you can transfer your place to another person at the company or move your place forward to any free opportunity. No refund if cancellation occurs less than 10 days before certification. When invoicing to a private person, the invoice must be paid before the certification.

De personuppgifter du lämnar till oss i samband med nätverk/webinar/inbjudningar/utbildningar behandlas i enlighet med Dataskyddförordningen. Vi kommer inte att använda dina personuppgifter i något annat syfte än att göra din upplevelse av vår aktivitet blir så bra som möjligt. Ta del av våra fullständiga riktlinjer för hantering av personuppgifter.

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