Som medlem* bjuds du in att ta del av webinars från vår moderorgansation WFA (World Federation of Advertisers). Alla WFA webinar är på engelska.


The future does not look any easier. The pandemic has further intensified consumer adoption and reliance on the internet. While this increases opportunities for global marketers, it also introduces a growing set of challenges, requirements and capabilities. Many of which are not yet fully on the radar.

With the use of research from the Singularity University, Mark Holden (Worldwide CSO at PHD), will peer into the future and help us understand how media communication functions (from social media management, audience creation through to advanced analytics) are changing over time. The result, 15 brand-new functions that we may need to start hiring sooner or later.

About this webinar:

This webinar is for WFA members and members of WFA national advertiser associations only.

*This webinar is open only to advertiser/client-side members


Please note: No recording or slides of this webinar will be shared.

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