Som medlem i Sveriges Annonsörer har du möjlighet att ta del av webinar och material från vår moderorganisation WFA (World Federation of Advertisers). I WFAs nätverk finns mer än 150 av världens största varumärken och över 60 nationella organisationer runt om i världen, liknande Sveriges Annonsörer i Sverige.


In a vast expanse of information about the agency world and the brands they serve, what focal points merit our attention in the ever-evolving brand/agency landscape, and how can we effectively navigate the common challenges brands encounter when working with agencies?

In a rapidly evolving brand/agency landscape, staying informed of major developments and industry trends beyond the noise and hype can be challenging. Join Bruno Gralpois (Co-founder & Principal) from Agency Mania Solutions for a comprehensive agency roundup! 

This session will highlight:

  • Recent agency developments among category leaders
  • Significant mergers and acquisitions
  • Exploration of the foremost challenges confronting agencies in the present landscape
  • Strategies in which agencies and their clients can overcome the challenges they face

About this webinar:

This webinar is open to:

  • WFA members
  • Brand members of WFA National Advertiser Associations

About WFA:
WFA (World Federation of Advertisers) is the voice of marketers worldwide. WFA represent over 150 of the world’s biggest brands and more than 60 national advertiser associations worldwide (one of them being Sveriges Annonsörer).

You will find more information about WFA here.


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