WFA Webinar: The Economist presents The World in 2021
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After a tumultuous 2020, what does 2021 have in store for businesses, the economy, culture and politics?
Join us for an hour-long predictive look to the year ahead with Tom Standage, Editor of “The World In 2021”
– The Economist’s annual forecast of the events and trends that will shape the year ahead.
Tom will share key insights from the upcoming The Economist report this November, pulled together by some of
the world’s most prestigious journalists and acclaimed leaders from around the world covering business and
finance, technology, culture and government.
This mix of contributors makes “The World in 2021″ uniquely authoritative in its predictions of trends and events
– and the session a must-attend for all those who want to see and act on the bigger picture.
5pm CET, October 6
Please note: No recording or slides of this webinar will be shared.
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- 06 Oct 2020, 15:00 - 16:00
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