Learnings from the Effectiveness database based on entries in the 100 Watts effectiveness competition in 2020 and 2021 by NoA Consulting and Sveriges Annonsörer.

The analysis in this report is based on the entries to the 100 Watts effectiveness award in 2020 and 2021.

The 100 Watts has been run by Sveriges Annonsörer since 1990 and rewards communication programs that have generated demonstrable effects for the advertiser. More information about the 100 Watts competition can be found at 100wattaren.se.

We have included all entries that have been deemed complete in the first round of the competition. This has given us a total of 189 entries for the analysis.
Some entries have been entered into several categories and therefore appear several times in the database, based on exactly the same data. In order to avoid that these entries skew the analysis we have limited these entries to one category. The category used has been the one where the entry received the highest score from the jurors.

The report generate 6 tips for marketing communications that generate effect.

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