WFA-webinar: The future of in housing (content/creative)
19 Feb 2020, 15:00 - 16:30WFA Webinar: The future of in-housing (content/creative)
Som medlem bjuds du in att ta del av webinars från vår moderorgansation WFA (World Federation of Advertisers).
Obs! Webinars från WFA är alltid på engelska.
Breaking down the barriers between marketers and agencies.
The trend towards greater in-sourcing is set to continue. According to WFA research, more than 70% of members have plans for more in-sourcing marcoms activities in the future.
Unilever launched U-Studio in 2016 with the aim to increase the speed and relevancy of its digital marketing, whilst controlling cost. Together with Oliver, they built 21 U-Studios across 18 countries. These are now used by three-quarters of Unilever’s brands.
This webinar will see in-housing pioneer Simon Martin (founder/CEO Oliver) and Giles Morrison (Global VP Brand Communications Excellence & Unilever Brand) share their experience, debunk some myths and help WFA members understand the practicalities of building and running a successful in-house agency.
This webinar will last 90 minutes including Q&A.
10am EST | 4pm CET, February 19
Please note: No recording or slides of this webinar will be shared.
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- 19 Feb 2020, 15:00 - 16:30
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