Som medlem* bjuds du in att ta del av webinars från vår moderorgansation WFA (World Federation of Advertisers). Alla WFA webinar är på engelska.


The Economist’s predictive look to the year ahead. Tom Standage will provide an exclusive, first insight into the top 10 topics of the upcoming The World Ahead 2023 report.

Economist Impact and WFA (World Federation of Advertisers) invite you to a webinar where Tom Standage, deputy editor of The Economist, will discuss the top 10 themes and trends to watch in the coming year, drawn from the pages of The World Ahead 2023.

During the course of this hour-long webinar, Tom will consider the interlocking crises facing the world, with topics including:

  • The global consequences of the war in Ukraine for geopolitics, energy and food supplies
  • The energy crunch’s impact on the transition to renewables
  • China’s uncertain post-pandemic path

The World Ahead is one of the most prestigious launches in The Economist’s annual publishing calendar. It prepares audiences for the year to come with mind-stretching insights and expert-level analysis. Written by The Economist’s correspondents and editors alongside globally recognised public figures, it is regarded as essential reading by individuals, professionals and policymakers.

About this webinar:

This webinar is for WFA members and members of WFA national advertiser associations only.

*This webinar is exclusive for WFA corporate members and the client-side members of the national advertiser associations in WFA.

Registering for WFA webinars will require that you login or create an account on the WFA site.


Please note: No recording or slides of this webinar will be shared.

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